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Green+Aquamarine: Sunny Seaside Days in Swanage

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Sunny Seaside Days in Swanage

I spent a gorgeous late summer holiday down in Swanage in Dorest with some old friends last week. We rented out a pretty Victorian cottage with sea views for a final meet up before we all went our separate ways to university and work.
Photo by Sophie May and Zoë Newton
Swanage is a lovely seaside town that I used to visit fairly frequently when I lived in Wiltshire. I couldn't resist a morning walk on the first day to reacquaint myself with the area and enjoy the sunshine with my camera.

We had a few good beach days too, perfect for lounging with a good book. I also found somewhere that hired out stand up paddle boards, so I hopped on one for an hour. It's been ages since I was last on one (then clad in full length wetsuit to brave early summer Welsh seas!) and I fell in love with it all over again. It has a similar feeling of closeness to the water as surfing, but is good for exploring on days with little swell. I had a go at a little SUP yoga, running through some shaking sun salutations, and was surprised not to fall in holding a wheel pose!

Since the latest Sweaty Betty get fit for free challenge was running, I decided to do my one minute burpee challenge after a brave early morning swim with Katie! Possibly not my most dignified moment in a bikini...

As well as being my first stint at a girls' holiday, the week also served as a good practice run at living away from home -it is now less than two weeks until I start university! Gosh.

Photos by Sophie May
In all, it was a perfect week to spend time with everyone before new starts. I'm so grateful to have maintained a friendship with such wonderful people since moving. Here's to the next meet up!



At 12 September 2014 at 22:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mum and her partner love Swanage! They go there at least twice a year for weekends away. Looks like you had a lovely little break, I love the sea.
Tash | Ballet, Dance & Fitness

At 14 September 2014 at 09:02 , Blogger Unknown said...

It's funny how many people I know seem to end up in Swanage. Such a lovely town. Even better, the sea was the perfect temperature too!
Eleanor xx


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