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Green+Aquamarine: Teapigs Mao Feng Review

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Teapigs Mao Feng Review

Teapigs is one of the most popular mid-range to premium tea brands, known for it's quirky and bright packaging and whole-leaf teas. I've tried a few of their infusions before -Lemon and Ginger, Chai, Rooibios crème caramel -and have enjoyed them all, but I wanted to try a direct comparison of my favourite leaf, green tea, to see if it was worth the price tag.
I picked the pure Mao Feng green tea, described as the "green tea liked by people who don't like green tea" for it's delicate flavour. Despite this, it didn't taste too weak, still having lots of flavour. I was also impressed at how the tea bags lasted me a good 3-4 cups, which certainly bodes well for someone who gets through a few cups daily, like me!

One thing that did concern me was the tea temples (bags) themselves, since they didn't look like they were suitable for composting. However, a quick look on Teapigs website reassured me that the temples are a bioplastic made from cornstarch that is 100% biodegradable. I was pretty impressed by all their other green credentials too.
While I will be keeping my cheaper teas for quick common room mugfuls, I will definitely be buying Teapigs on a more regular basis. I'm lucky enough to have a shop that sells all of the standard-seized range of teas, so I may try and work my way through a few of the range -chocolate flake tea anyone? They also sell matcha tea powder, which I'd love to try, both as a pure drink and in cooking.

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