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Green+Aquamarine: Happy Birthday Blog!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Happy Birthday Blog!

It's my blog's first birthday! Technically I'm a little overdue -I just checked and I actually started Green + Aquamarine on 25th January, but since I properly got going in February I figured now was fine to celebrate my blog's birthday.

I had written a food blog previously, but time commitments meant that I simply wasn't cooking anything new and so stopped. After finishing a big A Level project, I decided that I needed something new to keep me busy and I missed blogging. So I set out with a new theme, working my new blog around health, fitness and sustainability. It has been an amazing year, and I've really enjoyed it. I have become an affiliated blogger with Om Yoga Magazine and Mala Collective, attended my first blogger event, hosted a competition and been asked to review products. Green + Aquamarine is still a small blog, but it is my space and I am happy to let that space grow organically and stay true to my theme and interests.

I have seen quite a few personal changes what with moving to university. The way that I blog has changed, but I am happy with that, even if I do have to work to make sure that I am getting both blog posts and assignments in on time! There has been a few challenges, such as the lack of space for taking photographs -so less fitness and yoga photos sadly! I have adapted around that, whilst keeping my content consistent.

I'm hoping to keep Green + Aquamarine growing, and if I reach 100 Bloglovin followers I plan to treat myself to a new layout! You can follow me here to keep up with all my latest posts, as well as adding me to your Google circles. I am hoping to go to more blogger events (anyone in north England or Wales?!) and to work with more bloggers and brands.

However, my blog, of course, is not just about me -it's about you. What would you like to see more of on Green + Aquamarine? Do you like my yoga posts, fitness fashion, conservation campaigns or recipes? I'd love it if you could comment below and let me know your thoughts!

Thanks for everyone who has read posts, followed my blog or shared the love -you make this so worthwhile and your comments and tweets really do make my day. So, here's to the next year of blogging; I can't wait.


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